Here it explains how sin came to be and the affects of it. Here God is also creating the human race and explains the descendants that come to populate the Earth. In the story God originally created humans Free from sin. He did this because he wanted them have the life he originally intended for them, free from evil. But when original sin was committed God had to adjust his plan in order that it best fit what humans needed. This is why he threw them out of the garden after they ate the forbidden fruit, because they were no longer free from sin so they had to feel the other realities that were now part of life. In doing this as well as punishing Cain for killing Abel, he was acting in Mercy. Providing answers that were needed to the ignorant people. God's relationship with human beings in the story is that of a overlord. Here you see God making very executive decisions without consulting the humans at all. At this point it is so early on that God and man have not so much of a relationship as much as a Shepherd to his …show more content…
You see God specifically talk to Abram telling him to leave his current land and go to the land of Canaan. Here as I previously mentioned, God once again makes a covenant AKA a promise with Abraham Saying that his descendants will be as numerous as the Stars. Here he also promises Abram that he shall have much land. As a sign of the Covenant that Abram had made with God, God changed his name to Abraham and his wife's name to Sarah. In addition to this God also had Abraham, as a physical sign of the Covenant, circumcised and all the men that were in his company. Sarah however still seems to be bearing despite the Covenant with God. She grows worried and has Abraham have a child with her maidservant Hagar. The child is born and is named Ishmael. God later on tells Abraham that Ismael shall not carry on the Covenant but Sarah will have a child of her own and that child will be the Blessed child who carry on the Covenant. This child's name will be Isaac. Even though Isaac is the Blessed child, when is my out and his mother are sent out into the Wilderness God Saves them blesses them I'm saying that they will be abundant have a nation of his