“I will try to contact someone from the Ministry as soon as the sun rises. It is clear you need to go back to Aire,” he noticed despite his will.
As the sky transited into the light, Uro left to room and headed to one of the bars in the hotel to get breakfast for the two. He seized the opportunity to contact the Ministry and inquire about the weather conditions on the route to Aire. On his way back to Taya’s room, the unknown person on duty confirmed that Taya’s departure had still not been rescheduled due to unchanged weather conditions. Despite is efforts, the person on duty declined to offer any further explanation. “I am sorry Sir, for safety reasons we must await the next forecast from the meteorological service.”
Reaching the door with a bag containing hot beverages and food, Uro realized that if he wanted to help Taya, he had to take matters into his own hands. He rang the door, waled inside and before Taya asked him anything, he offered an alternative solution, which though risky, seemed to be the only way to get her to Aire before it was too …show more content…
As the weather is often unstable in parts of the route to Aire, it may take them days. It would be best if I took you in my transporter directly to Aire. I am not authorized by the Ministry to do this, so it has to be your decision.”
“But how will be get through the storms?” Taya asked, surprised by this turn of events.
“It is risky but the sensors on my transporter should be able to detect storms and toxic rains before we found ourselves in their direct proximity. When alarmed by the system, we’ll slightly divert from the route. It may take us more time to reach the destination, but I don’t see any other solution in sight. I would like nothing more than you to stay longer with me, but we must think of your health first.”
Taya accepted the offer and grabbed the pillows from the sofa and smoothly threw them on the ground by the window wall which was now illuminated by natural