My current diet is a complete disaster. Because of my work schedule, I don’t get up until around 11:00am, so when I do wake I have a cup or two of orange juice which is what I consider to be my breakfast. On the way to work, I grab a hamburger and soft drink. Also, I sometimes skip the soft drink and get a Monster energy drink if I am still tired from the night before. I have to put Devion on the bus in the morning which leaves me very sleepy most days, so I use this as an excuse to grab the energy drinks to make it through each day. My day at work is really boring, so, my co-worker and I sit and eat to actually entertain ourselves throughout the day. One of my major obstacles will be to ignore her when she offers me some foods or snacks because she really likes to eat several different snacks throughout the day. She really gets offended if someone turns down her offer for a snack, but, I would really like to lose some of this weight.…