As the CIO of this novelty shoe company, I am selecting proposal 2, to present to our chief executive officer. With the help of my team of employees from marketing, sales, and IT, we have come up with the plan for Proposal 2 to be the use of a hosted wiki service. I believe that this proposal will present to our company the short term advantage of increased communication. Communication will be increased amongst not only our employees in. With the increase of effective communication, we will be able to retain our competitive edge being able to share, view, upload, and download data files amongst all employees in the regional offices.
Instead of using spreadsheets and emails as we have done in the past, the utilization …show more content…
Since the company has not previously utilized a hosted wiki service there may be a lot of employees who would not know how to use it properly. For those who may have some experience, they may not know how to use it efficiently for the tasks that it will be used that is geared toward this specific company. Some of the employees may not be computer-savvy when it comes to a hosted wiki service. Previously our company used spreadsheets and pass them on to others via email. This proposal is offering a more efficient way of communication for the company but the employees will not start off using it in a proper manner in the beginning because they may not be used to the features of the hosted wiki …show more content…
One cultural factor is sensitivity to time some cultures value time more than others. There may be some cases where our company creates deadlines for the employees to meet deadlines pertaining to completing tasks within the hosted wiki service. Another cultural factor would be the target audience. The hosted wiki service will be used to store and share data files which in turn will be directed toward various target audiences in the different countries. If a campaign were presented that did not fit in with a certain culture, that target audience could possibly feel insulted. We need to ensure that all of our employees are aware of the target audience that their regional offices are directed to focus on so that the data in the hosted wiki service could be used to specifically meet their