In this document I will be stating why your company should start to use Microsoft Excel for the business accounts instead of doing everything manually with the current pen and paper system.
A spread sheet is a grid that sorts data into columns and rows, spread sheets make entering and illustrating data, spread sheets also allow you to input formulas which can be used to work with the data. Microsoft Excel provides you with a variety of different ways of graphically showing this data after it has been sorted with graphs or coloured tables or even just plain. Entering formulae into the database allow you to program the desired spread sheet to add subtract and a many more. Spread sheets are also very compatible with the various other programmes such as Access, because of the compatibility you are enabled to import information from one programme to another. Using spread sheets would considerably lower the risk of mistakes made by the managers and accounting team especially when dealing with the income, outgoings and profitable money.
Spread sheets can be used to solve complex business problems such as cash flow forecasting, cash flow forecasting allows a business to create models as to how the companies cash moves within a project. The cash flow forecasting can help to predict whether the income of the business will cover day to day costs of the operations that take place within the company. Cash flow forecasts can also be very handy with the analysing of you own personal finances to help making big decisions easier to calculate. Having a cash flow forecast within the company you are enabled to see the impact of factors within factors. After the cash flow has been set up and providing that it has been done correctly you should be able to see what it looks like straight away, if it’s looking correct you can type in a formula such as “=average()” this can be used to calculate the average cash flow forecast.
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