When an adopted child is placed in another family the birth parents must give up their parental rights in order to move on with an official adoption. Some rights may be relinquished for birth parents or legal guardian after the children has been adopted.Although,biological parents should be able to see their children because maybe the parent wasn't stable at the time or maybe the parent felt as if he or …show more content…
Donaldson Adoption Institute, 2007). This guilt and shame may exacerbate the grief being felt by the birth parents. Some birth parents may feel shame in admitting the situation to parents, friends, coworkers, and others. Once the child is born, the decision to place the child for adoption may prompt new feelings of guilt about "rejecting" the child, no matter how thoughtful the decision or what the circumstances of the adoption.”The child’s birth parents may feel guilt or ashamed of themselves for giving their children up for adoption but, the parent may feel it was the best option for the child at the time.Simone states, why the birth parent may feel …show more content…
Donaldson Adoption Institute, 2007). This may be due to lingering feelings of loss and guilt, or it may be due to a fear of repeating the loss. Other birth parents may attempt to fill the loss quickly by establishing a new relationship, marrying, or giving birth again—without having dealt with the grief of the adoptive placement.”Furthermore, the birth parents may feel horrible about the situation they have put their child through but the adoptive parents are trying to make their child as happy as