of their weight not that they did not train as hard as they could. This is parallel to the treatment models receive in the fashion industry, the false idea that thinner is as better and thinner is powerful. It is a misconception that bigger people can train better if they achieve weight loss simply due to bigotry and looking past the numerous plus-size athletes who are just as great as their thinner teammates. I want my future son to see that is is not his size but how hard he trains; he needs to grow up with the acknowledgement he can be as great a player as Eli Manning whatever his size.
of their weight not that they did not train as hard as they could. This is parallel to the treatment models receive in the fashion industry, the false idea that thinner is as better and thinner is powerful. It is a misconception that bigger people can train better if they achieve weight loss simply due to bigotry and looking past the numerous plus-size athletes who are just as great as their thinner teammates. I want my future son to see that is is not his size but how hard he trains; he needs to grow up with the acknowledgement he can be as great a player as Eli Manning whatever his size.