People are still using guns to resort to violence, to terrorize communities, and to commit suicide. Gun control laws don’t seem to work despite the many that have been implemented, and that is why many gun rights supporters seem enraged. But gun control does work if done correctly. If the U.S. were to implement a way to control the amount of guns in the country, who owned them, and where they were located, gun violence may be able to decrease. But the truth is that there is still a black market for automated weapons, people still own guns illegally, and those same guns are used to commit crime. If guns were to be eradicated, the amount of injustice would drop significantly, crime would still exist, but the deaths that would be avoided would make the decision …show more content…
go hand in hand. With a growing movement of people for guns, there has been an increase in learning about guns and their proper practice, but many people, especially in the urban cities still have very little knowledge. Banning guns is a very difficult thing to do, and though it would certainly decrease the amount of deaths that happen every year, it is virtually impossible. That is why people must be educated, even if they prefer to not own a gun, they should have basic knowledge in case they are ever put in a situation that requires it. This country faces many challenges, but with its citizens coming together in order to resolve issues such as gun violence, everyone begins to prosper. Guns should be regulated in a way that will benefit the people, and lower the chance of crime, and violence, to