Emily-Is there any reason why you can’t go into a home?
Cassie-What are the rights of a suspect if police enter in the home?
Emily-Has there been a time and a place where the cops had to take someone in and ask them questions or do you just do it where you are at?
Cassie-If a suspect is brought in for questioning to the station and if they're not guilty what happens? Do those people have the right to sue you?
Emily- Has anybody ever sued you for something?
Cassie-Have you ever had a case where someone has sued the police for them entering in a home without a search warrant or probable cause?
Emily-Is it right for people to …show more content…
Emily-What is probable cause to you?
Cassie-What constitutes probable cause?
Emily-What is needed for police to obtain a warrant to search a home?
Cassie-Can police search a safe in your home?
Emily-Can you sue the police for illegal search and seizure?
Cassie-Can the police give you a ticket on private property?
Emily-Can a police officer enter your home without your permission?
Cassie-How long does it take for the police to get a warrant?
Emily-How long does it take for a warrant to go away?
Cassie-How long do the police have to charge you with a crime?
Emily-Can the police detain you for no reason?
Cassie-How long can you stay in jail without a trial?
Emily-How long can a person be held in jail without any evidence?
Cassie-How long do you stay in jail?
Emily-How soon do you go to jail after sentencing?
Cassie-How long is a year in jail?
Emily-Do you only serve half your sentence?
Cassie-What crimes carry a 10 year …show more content…
Emily-What is the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause?
Cassie-Are warrantless searches legal?
Emily-Can police officer search one's property without search warrant?
Cassie-What constitutes an illegal search and seizure?
Emily-Do you have to stop at a stop sign in a parking lot?
Cassie-How are you supposed to stop at a stop sign?
Emily-Is it illegal to cut through a parking lot in the state of Texas?
Cassie-Who has the right of way in a parking lot?
Emily-What do you do when you see a yield sign?
Cassie-Are you required to use a turn signal?
Emily-Do you have to use a turn signal in a parking lot?
Cassie-How can I park my car between two cars?
Emily-How can you pass a driving test?
Cassie-How do you reverse park?
Emily-How do you practice parallel parking?
Cassie-How far do the cones have to be for parallel parking?
Emily-Is it illegal to drive without a permit?
Cassie-What is the proper way to execute a two point turn?
Emily-When you are making a three point turn?
Cassie-How do you back up straight?
Emily-How do you reverse a car?
Cassie-How do a three point turn?
Emily-Who has the right of way when turning left?
Cassie-What is the meaning of parallel