Prostitution is the practice of engaging in sexual relations in exchange for money or payment. Been practiced for a very long time, since the ancient and modern era, and described as the oldest dated profession. My dream is to be successful in all my endeavours, be happily married, raise a happy family, and build a happy home with my wife, not someone who does not have an iota of shame or value. Love making is meant to spice up a marriage between a man and a woman, not something to pay for. Love making becomes sex when the affection is no longer present, and this is because it involves two people of the opposite sex who are not married.
Though it is religiously forbidden, it has been around for a very …show more content…
These pimps treats these girls in a dastardly way, it is just despicable. If prostitution is legalized, it will increase sexual harassment in the workplace, little regards for marriage, and some people will think less of women, instead, they will see them as commodities. There is a saying in my culture, that the respect of a woman is from the husband, and a woman who is not married is never complete, no matter how rich or famous she is. I do believe if we give up our traditional ways of life because we want to be "civilized", we will completely lose our heritage, and that will be preposterous because our values define who we are, and self-worth is paramount. Love making is better than sex, it should be enjoyed, cherished and can be an ecstatic adventure of a lifetime because It involves the mind, body, and soul, allowing both partners to merge with each other, explore their emotions, communicate in a divine way while exchanging positive energy. Sex is mostly about physical body and stimulation. So, prostitution should not be legalized because intimacy is very important in a marriage. A married man will rebuke his wife if he finds out that she was involved in prostitution even years before their marriage, it just abhors …show more content…
Our body is the temple of God, and we should be intimate with our better half's or potential life partners only. Love making should not be taking for granted, its divine and should not be capitalized. Aural energies dwell within us, negative ones brings bad luck, and the positive ones bring good luck. We cannot succeed in life if we get sick, so we need to take care of our body, physically, emotionally and