Our amendments were made for a guide line for our government and to give us rights. If a school that runs off of taxes paid from the people of our country, it should not be able to take away our rights. If our parents pay tax money so these schools can operate, their kids should have rights.
Kids are just people that haven't had as much experience, but they should still have
rights. The first amendment says that shall be prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech. This means that they can't unless they go against the Constitution.
Our founding fathers had a dream. While they were stuck under the kings watch and rule, they dreamed of being free. They wanted freedom for future generations as well. So, they risked their lives for us to be free. So if schools took away our freedom of speech than they would be killing a dream so many people died for. You shouldn't just stop at kids if you're taking away dreams and freedom.
Go down to the church and kill all of them for not believing in your religion. It's the same thing. Take away the freedom for women to walk around without a man and have a job or vote. Take away the freedom to trial kill all the people that get caught doing something they're not supposed to. It's all the same things on different levels.
This country has a somewhat good government. They try their best for equal rights and justice. If they took away our freedom to speech then why have the two houses. We would no longer need them for each state to have a say. It would be like Korea a dictator ship.
In conclusion, schools should not be able to take away freedom of speech. Some reason being it's against the constitution. Second, our fathers wanted us to have the freedom of speech. Third, this country isn't a dictator ship. Kids have rights too.