
Should The British Welfare State Treated An Unequal Society?

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Should The British Welfare State Treated An Unequal Society?
As a modern industrialized nation, Britain faces many economic and social challenges. From being a primarily a rural country with its economy based on agriculture, to – because of the
Industrial Revolution, becoming the urban, industrialized country we see today. Despite all the advantages of Britain's increased productivity and expanding economy over the years, these fundamental changes in British society also included some negative aspects, especially concerning the standard of living, many worker of the new industries lived under very bad conditions. But later on as it was considered the state's responsibility to manage the economy it was generally accepted that the state should be responsible for the health care, social security and education
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Both yes and no. The British welfare state provides extensive coverage for its citizens both in terms of health care and social security. However, social welfare spending is considerably lower in Britain than some Europeans countries, and critics argue that benefits and services are at such low levels that they fail to eliminate poverty. So who are the people who fall outside the social safety net of the welfare state? Child poverty in Britain is particularly high: at least 25% of the children in the UK live below the poverty line. The main reason for this is that they live in households where nobody has a full-time job or works at all. Pensioners are also a vulnerable group. Also, thus Britain has free primary and secondary education, reports show that education and skills are Britain's weak points today. It is difficult to say if Britain during the last years has become a more equal society. The fact that the richest 5% of the population own approximately 45% of the wealth in the UK shows clearly how the gap between the rich and poor still is. Just as Tarquin Hall tells about in Salaam Brick Lane.
Many economists also claim that the main reason for the remarkable performance of the

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