life, no matter the reason.
The effects of racial discrimination on capital punishment is becoming a growing issue in the United States.
Research has shown that racial discrimination has influence on capital punishment, according to the General Accounting Office, over 80% of studies have shown the race of the victim is closely correlated with receiving the death penalty. Other studies have shown that the defendant is four or five times as likely to get the death penalty if the victim was Caucasian than if the victim was African American. It’s not just that some defendants don't get the right to a fair trial just because of a person’s skin tone. Death row is the ultimate punishment, and should be issued out with the utmost extreme caution and fairness. The “death penalty” is just another way of saying an ‘eye for an eye’. Victims Deserve retribution, but over time society’s version of retribution has changed dramatically. People today believe that the taking of one's life in exchange for another’s is the only way to achieve true justice for the victim, but all they’ve achieved in the end is the loss of two lives. There are other ways, that do not involve ending a life, that are used to acquire justice all the same. Life without parole is much cheaper and more efficient way to attain Justice for the victims and their loved …show more content…
The death penalty costs more, delivers less, and puts innocent lives at risk.
Life without parole provides rapid, severe, and certain punishment. All judgement is not right, at times people’s judgments can be clouded or corrupt. For example, a judge could be more lenient with a defendant that only has charges of petty theft than against a defendant fighting against rape charge. The defendant could be innocent, but because he or she is charged with a more hated and heinous crime such as rape or murder, he or she could face bias or unfair punishment. Until the issue of discrimination in capital punishment is fixed the death penalty should be outlawed within the United States. Death row is the ultimate punishment for one’s immorality, therefore it is not right for those who are morally correct and innocent to be put to death just because of some peoples one-sided judgment. Instead of wasting millions of taxpayer dollars meaningless death, the american people should save to protect some of those essential services (such as education) that are now threatened with death from state budget cost. Life without parole could be a very effective alternative to capital punishment, that not only saves money, but also
Society's views on morality have changed drastically over time. We kill people who kill people to show that killing is wrong. When did people adopt this way of thinking? The death penalty is a flawed system, while this isn't extremely common, sometimes the court makes a mistake and the person on death row is innocent. At least when a person is innocent and jailed they have time to try and make a case for themselves. That is not the case when he or she is on death row, they can try and appeal, but if there is lots of evidence stacked against them, then there is little to no chance that they will be speared a death sentence. The death penalty is not completely accurate, innocent people have died and will continue to die until death row is gone for good. In spite some may say keeping criminals around is a threat to public safety. Prison was created and put into place for a reason, why end someone's life for nothing more than fruitless revenge when you can just lock them up and never let them see the light of day again. However some may say DNA testing and other methods of modern crime scene science can now effectively eliminate almost all uncertainty as to a person's guilt or innocence.Yes in fact that is true, but DNA testing does not completely eliminate discrimination in capital punishment. Just because someone has good evidence backing them up does not mean that they will not face bias from the judge, jury, or the courtroom. DNA testing may provide an answer as to whether someone is guilty or not, but it does not solve the issue of discrimination. Discrimination will never go away, because people all have their own different set of moral standards that greatly influence their concept of right and wrong. For example a racist is more likely to have a different opinion than someone who is not racist, one makes his decisions based on racial qualities, and the other may just base their decision purely on fact. Discrimination can also be found in some sentences resulting in Life without parole, but at least people don’t have to worry about losing their lives thanks to someone with a bias view on the situation.
The death penalty is outdated, and soon life without parole will be the new form of death row. Life without parole is the most efficient form of capital punishment today, criminals, victims, and the family of the victims get exactly what they deserve. The death penalty is just another form of revenge, americans should not promote revenge as being the right choice to take after someone has committed a serious crime.Instead they should assign the most appropriate punishments to those who have committed the most suited crime. Eliminating the death penalty would save the lives of many innocent people and attain justice for those lost due to the effectiveness of the flawed system “death row”.