The restoration of the death penalty for serious crimes is an issue of debate in the UK because of the recent rise in violent crime. It is said that at least 17,833 people are under the sentence of the death penalty worldwide as of 31 December 2010. The death penalty or otherwise known as the capital punishment is a legal process where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. Currently it is only allowed in 32 states and has come to discussion if the death penalty should be reinstated back in the UK.
The death penalty is never the right choice. In America last year fifty three people were executed, and at this time in the USA over 3500 people are on death row. The amount of people on death row shows that the use of Capital punishment is not decreasing crime in America. Therefore Capital Punishment has no point. The latest country to abolish the death penalty for all crimes was Albania in early 2007. The abolition of Capital Punishment in Albania shows that the death penalty obviously doesn 't work. The country tried using it and it failed. Since 1973, there were 138 death row exonerations in the United States. That 's 138 innocent people who were mistakenly sentenced to death in a U.S. Court room, and later had their convictions overturned due to further research in light of new evidence. The fact is: the death penalty is much more of a retribution measure than a preventative measure. There is no clear cut proof that the death penalty will prevent people from killing each other
Well what justifies the government inflicting death upon the murder? What gives that authority figure more of a right to take life than the murderer? Sure, I will agree that the killer deserves a severe punishment...but shouldn 't he or she have to live with the realization that they murdered someone 's child? In my eyes, if the government decided for someone to die, it’s just as much as the same as murder, so