Thursday 630PM
10 Commandments
Should the Ten Commandments be displayed in courtrooms or public places?
This is a very controversial subject. Bringing religion to a public place such as a courtroom or a school is questionable because of the fact that we do not have a “declared” religion in the United States. Despite the laws separating church and state I do believe the Ten Commandments should be allowed in public places. My view on the commandments is that they are guidelines to living an honest and dignified life. There obviously is a religious connotation connected to them however they are proper morals spelled out for us. Justice Roy Moore of Alabama fought to have the Ten Commandments enlarged in a court …show more content…
or their importance as a model code for good citizenship... this court would have a much different case before it. But the Chief Justice did not limit himself to this; he went far, far beyond. He installed a two-and-a-half ton monument in the most prominent place in a government building, managed with dollars from all state taxpayers, with the specific purpose and effect of establishing a permanent recognition of the 'sovereignty of God, ' the Judeo-Christian God, over all citizens in this country, regardless of each taxpaying citizen 's individual personal beliefs or lack thereof. To this, the Establishment Clause says no …show more content…
The American Center for Law and Justice states that,
“Under the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the First Amendment in these cases, the public display of the Ten Commandments on government property may serve a valid secular governmental purpose and is not an inherent endorsement of a religion. Van Orden, 545 U.S. 687-89. But, if there is a predominantly religious purpose for displaying the Ten Commandments, the Court has held that it may violate the First Amendment to allow such a display” (
Our nation was built and created by God.
“The Supreme Court also has recognized that it is important for the government to accommodate and acknowledge religion as part of our national heritage, and that the Ten Commandments played an important role in our nation’s history. In 1892, the Supreme Court stated that "this is a religious nation" (
Without the foundation of God our nation would be nothing. I believe that we must recognize this and not allow it to be ignored. Once again it is a moral foundation for living. These are the Ten Commandments:
1. I am the Lord, your God.
2.Thou shall bring no false idols before