the United States.
Unfortunately, misconceptions are made about illegal immigrants. One of the misinterpretations continues to be that most illegal immigrants are criminals. Many citizens of the United States believe this deception. To many people surprise, the percent is nearly 5. The U.S. citizen crime rate is 26%. Unfortunately, this fallacy stems from racism like other misunderstandings. Sadly, Hispanics are perceived as lazy, ignorant human beings that only poison America, which is sad and false. In fact, most illegal immigrants from Mexico are seeking for a better life in the United States and looking for a place where their family can live safely. People who risk their lives to better the lives of their families are the people America wants and needs.
Millions of undocumented immigrants live in the United States and unfortunately, immigrants are deported back. In politics, arguments of deportation arise as some politicians see problems in the U.S immigration policy. Because many of these immigrants had children in the U.S., the parents are forced to go back to their native country, while the children stay because of their citizenship. The controversy of allowing illegal immigrants to stay in this country creates the sense of permission to break the law, even though the situation is not that simple. Families are being torn apart. Children are left scared because they came home to their parents being gone. The fear of the religious prosecution, abuse, and labor is what most illegal immigrants face in their native countries. America is based on freedom. The U.S. lasts as the land of dreams and opportunities, but it is not fair that illegal immigrants can have this blessing taken away. I state this simply because it makes no sense that dreams and immigration is what our country is based on and why the U.S is what it is today yet, illegal immigrants have no right to be here. Deportation is a main topic of controversy in America today. People have yet to understand the struggle until they've actually walked through an illegal immigrants footsteps.
In many illegal immigration cases, children are left alone because of their parents being deported.
Coming home to your loved ones missing is devastating. Imagine a girl, fourteen years old, comes home to no one. Immediately, she knows what has happened. Not seeing her family anymore was a constant fear. Now, the situation is a reality. Her and her family migrated to the United States in order escape fateful death, yet taking a chance to gain freedom was worth the danger of being caught. She has nobody to help or protect her. In order to create a free and happy life for herself, she must figure out a way to survive in order to never go back to her native country where she faces religious prosecution. Human beings should not live in constant fear because their country does not allow the simple right of religion or freedom of speech. Because of the issue of deportation, thousands of children are left without their family because their parents were not granted citizenship. A question that seems to be popping up is if the U.S. as a nation feels proud to force humans away from saving to certain death even though illegal immigration is against the law. Another question is if immigration should even be illegal. Immigration should be legal. People seek refuge in the United States and we should be proud as a nation. We should accept immigrants and take pride.
11.4 illegal immigrants suffer from different problems in their lives than other. Although America is built on immigrants, they
are not allowed to live in the U.S legally without authorization. Immigrants are judged and perceived wrong. Undocumented immigrants are often times separated from their families. Unfortunately, the problem with United States immigration policy is slowly and barely changing.