The article called “Indoor Pollution and Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms”, by Chi-Shan …show more content…
The answer is that sometimes, qualified politicians refuse to take action because they are connected to the problem in a sense. In her article, Sick Building Syndrome And The Problem Of Uncertainty: Environmental Politics, Technoscience, And Women Workers, Marilyn Thorlakson reveals some truth about the funding of Sick Building Syndrome. For example, she states that it is “difficult to believe in the neutrality of science when many of the government advisors are closely linked to corporations that supply recommendations on health issues that may be linked to chemical toxins.” This means that the politics involved in the funding of SBS research is unfair. Politicians and corporations involved have money to lose, which is why nothing can be done for the advancement of the SBS research-however some things can and are being done. For example, what is currently being done to reverse the effects of Sick Building Syndrome is air cleaning. In Arnold and Kim article, Sick Building Syndrome Solutions, they reveal a solution to help prevent the production of health problems. The solution is air cleaning it’s a convenient way to control ventilation. It is important to control ventilation because mixing ventilation (MV) and displacement ventilation (DV) can cause a short-term performance on a human, which generally refers to a period less than three