The customs and traditions of Sierra Leone are very different. The food of Sierra Leone includes cassava bread, okra soup, and fried fish. A particular "West African Handshake" is a tradition when greeting others on Sierra Leone. Another custom is, usually, during a wedding a piece of grass is tied between the groom and bride. It also a habit in Sierra Leone to hear music playing outside. The people have a strong passion for music, and the arts in general. Sixty-percent of the people are Muslim. Thirty-percent being Christian. And the last ten-percent claiming "other".
Sierra Leone is a very unique place. Sierra Leone is the only country in the world with the largest gem-quality diamomd. It also has the largest diamond mining industry in the world. Sierra Leone is also one of the youngest democracies, being formed in 2007. These are some facts that make Sierra Leone different from other countries.
The political and legal environment of Sierra Leone is pretty stable as of now. There was a civil war in 2003 that caused many deaths though. Sierra Leone is a constitutional republic with a elected president and a unicameral legislature. Unicameral meaning only one house. The base corporation tax in