Of that 6 million Freetown holds about 1,170,200 and counting. Stage 2 countries have a high crude birth rate and natural increase rates, declining crude death rates, and are countries that have just recently gone through the industrial revolution. Looking at the chart of the demographic transition it shows why Sierra Leone is still in stage 2.Although the birth rates are declining they are still very high in comparison to wealthier countries in stage 4 of demographic transition. The death rates are declining because of the increased medical technology, but still relatively high because of limited medical …show more content…
Relocation diffusion is almost always coupled with folk culture because of the fact that folk culture spreads slowly and changes from place to place. Pop culture is different because it spreads fast and changes from time to time. Different parts of Sierra Leone practice different things and because of that there are often many disputes. This keeps them from developing and has hindered it since the beginning of its existence. Despite distinctive variations in language and local traditions in different regions, Sierra Leoneans today are united by many factors, such as their shared lingua franca Krio and even sporting events, especially when the national football (soccer) team plays. At the same time, a declining economy, declining infrastructure, and deteriorating health conditions have prevented the country's progress, and have to some extent slowed the development of a strong sense of pride or shared cultural identity, especially in the rural areas outside the capital