Jewish background, though avowed atheist
Lived in Vienna until Nazi occupation in 1938
Had medical background- wanted to do “neurophysiological research”
Private practice with specialty in neurology
Josef Breuer and Anna O. Private practice in nervous and brain disorders
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) developed psychoanalysis as (1) a theory of psychological development, personality, and neurosis;
(2) a method for studying symbolic cognitive processes and the unconscious; and (3) a technique of psychotherapy.
Structure of Personality
1. Id
a. Infants are born with Id intact
b. Operates on PLEASURE PRINCIPE – to gain pleasure, avoid pain
c. Driven by sexual and aggressive urge
2. Ego
a. The rational level of personality
b. Operates on REALITY PRINCIPLES – does realistic and logical thinking
c. The balance between Id and Superego
3. Superego
a. Partially unconscious
c. Able to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong
d. If people follow their superego, they will feel proud but if they don’t follow, they will feel guilty and anxious
Psychosexual Stages
Oral Stage (0-18 months)
Pleasure centering around the mouth (sucking, biting etc)
Focus: weaning- becoming less dependent
Not resolved? aggression or dependency later in life-- fixation with oral activities (smoking, drinking, nail biting etc.
Anal (18-35 months)
Fixation on bowel and bladder elimination
Focus: search for control
Not resolved? anal retentive (rigid and obsessive personality) or anal expulsive (messy and disorganized personality)
Phallic (3-6 years)
Focus: genital area and difference btwn males and females
Electra Complex or Oedipus Complex
Oedipus Complex (boys)
Unconscious sexual desires towards mother, father is competition
Simultaneously fears the dad- “castration anxiety”
Electra Complex (girls)
Unconscious sexual desires towards father and mother is completion
Penis envy
Kid identifies with same sex