Significance of problem in research
Nowadays, The situation with children and youth problem in Thailand was intensified higher in every side. The problem of premature sex and lack of knowledge of contraception among children and youth in Thailand was another problem that tends to severity and seriousness every year. One factor which comes from the spread of inappropriate or obscene due to technology and media that have advancement of any type. The children and youth who lack immunity for media consumption will imitation behaviors and lead to such problems. So this factor effect to the behavior of teenagers in specific of sexual behavior and coupling premature sexual relationship. This is the cause major of teenage pregnancy problem and also impact to other sides such as physical, psychological, economic and social self and family. (
Thailand’s teenage pregnancy rate is the highest in Southeast Asia after neighboring Laos, and also has the second highest pregnancy rate among 15- to 19-year-olds in the world, after South Africa of according to the Bureau Reproductive Health at the Thai Public Health Ministry. The unplanned Teenage pregnancy is becoming a serious problem in many countries, including Thailand. It creates many related impacts such as health, economic, social and cultural problems. It is surprising that the rate of teenage pregnancy increases each year. According to the records of the Health Department, it shows that the rate of teenage pregnancy in Thailand in April, 2008 had increased to 14.7%, while the World Health Organization recommended that it should be no greater than 7%. The actual rate of teenage pregnancy is still in doubt and difficult to be evaluated as the records of the Health Department consist of only teenage mothers who wish to continue their pregnancy, it does not include the rate of criminal abortion. So the actual rate of teenage pregnancy