There is one God. He is the same God for all individuals of all religions. The spirit experiences cycles of births and passings before it achieves the human structure. The objective of our life is to lead an excellent presence so one may converge with God. Sikhs ought to recall God at all times and work on carrying on with a prudent and honest life while keeping up a harmony between their otherworldly commitments and transient commitments. The genuine way to accomplishing salvation and converging with God does not require renunciation of the world or abstinence, but rather carrying on with the life of a householder, procuring a fair living and keeping away from common allurements and sins. Sikhism denounces blind ceremonies, for …show more content…
The Sikhism help me to understand as well get confuse. Sikhism condemns blind rituals that I used to condemens. Sikhism prove me that there is only one god and god is equal to all people and religions. Sikhism teaches me that religion doesn’t discriminate any people of any race. Sikhism give me the true meaning of religion and religious people, since I am non-religious person. This is how and why sikhism views have undergone the greatest