Grand Canyon University
Foundations of Spirituality in Health Care
October 06, 2012
In this paper the author will explain what is faith and religion, and compare the philosophy of Sikh, Buddhism, and Jewish religions with that Christian and the author’s religion, include spiritual perspective and elements of healing, how necessary is to permit patient to practice their religious beliefs and rituals, and last, describe how this information could be incorporated into the daily health care professionals routine.
Health Care Provider & Faith Diversity: First Draft
The word faith has different meanings; it depends who defines the term. According to the Cambridge dictionaries online faith is “a high degree of trust or confidence in something or someone”. Another definition that is in the bible is “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11, 1). For most people faith comes with religion. According to Jarvis the author of Physical Examination & Health Assessment e- book (2012) religion refers to an organized system of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially belief in or the worship of God or gods. Health care workers need to gain knowledge regarding the acceptance of different faith expressions and different religions to provide quality cultural and holistic care. In this paper the author will encapsulate results and compare and contrast the different belief systems of three religions Sikh, Buddhist, Jewish with that of the Christian religion and the author’s view, also will incorporate the spiritual perspective and elements of healing, the major values to people of a different faith when attended for by health care professional whose spiritual beliefs are not the same as the author’s beliefs, and last, describe how this knowledge could be incorporated to a health
References: BBC Religions. Retrieved on October 14, 2012 from Cambridge dictionaries online Catholic Answers. Retrieved on October 5, 2012 from /show.php?t=510236 Edelman, C. L., & Mandel, C. L. (2009). In Health promotion throughout the life span. (7th Ed) Jarvis.C. (2011)Physical Examination and Healht Assessment. (6th ed.). St.Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier Pack. D. The restored Church of God. Retrieved on October 2, 2012 from Sikh Philosphy network. Retrieved on October14, 2012 from http://www. Sikh Retrieved on October 14, 2012 from http://www. Zavada. J. Christian Science Church Beliefs and Practices. Retrieved on October 5, 2012 from /