“Diana” is the Roman name, “Artemis” is the Greek name, “Lucina” is the name of her as the goddess of childbirth and healing, and “The Triple Goddess” is her other name. “The Triple Goddess” in statue form shows Diana as having three different heads. One head is a horse, one is a dog, and one is a bear.
The companions of Diana were woman that she was completely comfortable around. She never was in the company of men with the exception of her twin brother, Apollo. She and her companions would do everything together. They would bathe, eat, talk, hunt, and even dance together.
There have been stories of men coming across Diana and her companions bathing and she did not take that too well. She did not like having males hanging around so she would run them off. Remember, she was very protective of her hunting companions chastity and would go to great lengths to avoid a threat to it.
Diana was a goddess that someone could look up too and want to be like her. Not only was she beautiful, but she was her own independent self. She didn’t need anyone else taking care of her. She had many values and would protect them. She was in a way, a mother hen. Diana all around was someone to feel safe