Robert Merton suggests that this strain is the reason crime runs rampant in lower-class areas (Cullen text, CH13). According to Merton, crime is bred in lower-class areas where legitimate opportunities to achieve …show more content…
Although each theory is talking about different processes, they discuss they same concepts – crime and social structure (Lecture). Agnew takes into account all aspects of both theories and ties them his single theory claiming that people are pushed into crime. Where Shaw and McKay’s and Merton’s theories are more at the macro-level, Agnew’s is much more micro-level. Agnew shifts the focus away from financial goals and aspirations and focuses on how people are negatively pushed into crime. Agnew’s general strain theory is a great combination of social disorganization and Merton’s strain. Agnew outlined three types of strain, failure to achieve goals, removal of positive stimuli, and the introductions of negative stimuli. He also suggests three coping mechanisms the minimization of the importance of goals, the minimization of negative outcomes, and the acceptance of responsibility (Cullen text, CH16). Agnew’s ideas fill in the gaps of Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization theory and Merton’s strain