There is an uncanny resemblance, not only between Oedipus and the German people in how they self-inhibit their desires and receive pleasure from pain, but also in relation to the sadist, Hitler, and his masochistic self-manifested suicide. While hitler was the fascist sadist that led humanity into the greatest most destructive war in history, he was secretly also just a self-inhibited pitiless man struggling for power, a characteristic not too un-similar to the very same people he rules. Hitler was, contrary to his opinion, just a man with …show more content…
People need to learn to accept the limitations of being human and fight the ideas of the fascist culture, including omnipresent death, to the bitter end. Under the repetitive tyrannies of history, life is pain at worst and monotonous at best. What greater desire is there than to transcend and escape this limitation? Escape the repressive feedback-loop and learn to liberate