
Similarities Between Persephone And Hades

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Similarities Between Persephone And Hades
Zeus decides it's a good idea to give his daughter, Persephone to his brother Hades (or Pluto), god of the underworld. The king of the gods doesn't bother to tell Persephone or her mother,Ceres goddess of agriculture, of his decision. One day, Persephone is picking flowers with some friends of hers when, all of a sudden, Hades detonates out of the ground, driving a chariot of black horse. He grabs Persephone and starts dragging her down to the underworld. Persephone screams for help. Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, and Helios, god of the sun, heard Persephone's sob. Her mother, Demeter, also hears her screams, but she's too far away to do anything about it.Demeter is frightened to death when she hears her daughter's scream. She asks all around, …show more content…
Demeter unquestionable go to ask Helios, the sun god, since he's up in the sky all day and sees pretty much everything. Helios ends up telling Ceres the whole thing. ``Zeus gave Persephone to Hades and Hades hauled her down to the underworld.’’The sun god tries to cheer Demeter up by pointing out that Hades is a good husband for her daughter Demeter doesn't buy it.She is even sadder than she was before, and she's furious with Zeus.Demeter vows that she won't set foot on Mount Olympus and that she won't let anything grow on earth until she sets eyes on her daughter again.A terrible assaults the earth, and people are starving everywhere.Seeing this, Zeus sends Hermes, the messenger god, down to the underworld to order Hades to let Persephone go. Hades agrees, but, before Persephone goes, he secretly slips some pomegranate seeds into her mouth. Hermes and Persephone then fly out of the land of the dead in Hermes's chariot.Demeter is super happy to see her daughter again, but upon seeing her, she unhesitantly asks Persephone if she ate anything while in the underworld.It turns out that, if you eat something while you're down there, you have to stay there

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