
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
Joshua Busekrus
Mr. Chance
English, per. 5
English Final Essay As we can see In The Odyssey by Homer and in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare even though men are supposed to be the ones in control it seems that these authors wanted the women to be also empowered rather than the just the men. Penelope and Juliet play significant roles and help guide the plot. Both the epic and playwright are about two lovers who are separated and everything is against their odds but in the end they are reunited either through death or life. We start to see that the women must take charge in order to try to be with their lover again even though they live in a world controlled by men. Even though Both The Odyssey
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This especially became a problem when she met Romeo, a Montague at the ball and fell in love instantly. Juliet expresses this by saying “my only love springs from my only. hate!” (Shakespeare I.V.153) Since her love is on the wrong side of the family feud it is forbidden, Juliet and Romeo must meet in secret to express their love to each other. Another problem that gets in the way of Juliet is Count Paris, he is in love with Juliet and wants to marry her. Capulet won’t give consent to Paris unless Juliet allows him too. We see Capulet explain this when he says “My will to her consent is but a part. An she agree, within her scope of choice Lies my consent and fair according voice.” (Shakespeare I.ii.17-19). But as the play goes on we find Tybalt is insulted by Romeo's presence at the ball and challenges Romeo to a duel. In the end of the duel Tybalt is killed and the prince sentences Romeo as banished from Verona. This makes Juliet heartbroken. But when Juliet's father sees Juliet so upset and sad he is assuming she is sad because of the death of Tybalt, her cousin. He decides that to make her feel better he should surprise her with a happy event, such as her wedding to Paris. Capulet's idea has become a problem for Juliet who is married to Romeo because now she only has two options, that is to marry Paris and forget about Romeo or ‘kill herself’. As we keep reading she decides to remain …show more content…
Juliet was younger and was still figuring out love and Romeo was just swooning over his last girl when he saw Juliet and fell in love. By seeing this if another more attractive girl was to come along he most likely would move onto her so it wasn’t true love as friar Lawrence states “ Is Rosaline that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”(Shakespeare II.3.71-73) Penelope and Odysseus had real love, Penelope waited 20 years for Odysseus to come home so did Odysseus. Juliet couldn’t wait for Romeo or hold off the wedding with Paris and Penelope held it off since the day Odysseus was lost at sea for over ten years. Juliet’s lover was banished and Penelope’s lover was lost at

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