
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
Have you ever been powerless against because you are a woman? Women are given more rights currently compared to the Elizabethan era. In “Romeo and Juliet” written by William Shakespeare, Juliet makes her own decisions outside of the dictatorship of her father. She meets Romeo at a party, originating a love at first sight, Juliet defies her father’s wishes and marries Romeo in secret, planning to run away with him. Their plan has many obstacles that results in both of their deaths which mends their family feud. Shakespeare wrote Juliet as a feminist as demonstrated through her actions and words in the play that show her power over politics, romantic relationships and her rebellion of her parents. In “Romeo and Juliet” set in the Elizabethan era, woman had insignificant power. Juliet’s family was in high ranking in Verona along with Montagues. Not giving women an opinion was part of their norms. In the play the woman, such as lady Capulet have no political power, and are ruled over by their husbands. In the Elizabethan era women had no choices of …show more content…
The decision of who she married was decided by her father, and carried out without a word of consent from Juliet. In the Elizabethan era this was a common procedure for marriage. Lower class also had arranged marriages, usually to bring wealth to the family. Males had decision of who they married and when they married, but were expected to choose a suitable woman. In the play Juliet disregarded this custom, and instead married Romeo secretly which exhibited her feminism. “I gave thee mine before thou didst request it; And yet I would it were to give it again,” in this part of the play Juliet is saying that she already wanted to marry Romeo before he requested. Today woman can choose who they marry and do not have to hide their romantic relationships. The father in the family may have some control, depending on the aspects of the family and their parenting

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