
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
Paris, Romeo, and Lord Capulet are three upper class men of different ages in the Renaissance time that have three different ideas on love and marriage. Romeo Montague is a young upper class man that is fickle and emotional when to comes to love. He is about 18 years old and is very quick to fall in and out of love. When he believes that he is in love, it consumes his every thought. In the first scene of Act I, Romeo appears depressed as he is in love with a girl- Rosaline- who does not love him back. He locks himself away in his room and will not talk to anyone else. Yet, days later when he goes to the Capulet’s feast and meets Juliet, Romeo quickly forgets about Rosaline completely. When he first sees Juliet, he says to himself, “Did my heart ever love till now? …show more content…
Paris, an upper class man who’s age is not specified- but is likely in his mid twenties, has a very traditional view of marriage. He sees Juliet as a beautiful, rich young woman to bare his children and nothing more. When Lord Capulet says that he wants to wait before he allows Paris to marry Juliet, he says, “Younger than she are happy mothers made” (I.ii.27).” He believes that people should marry for wealth, children, and the benefit of both families. He wants to marry Juliet because she is from a wealthy family. Paris is also from a wealthy and honorable family as he is the prince’s cousin. He believes it to be the most logical plan because both he and Juliet would gain money and social status if they marry. Lord Capulet is an older man of upper class status in Renaissance time that has a very non-traditional view of marriage. He wants his daughter to be happy and in love with the person she

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