
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
It can be concurred upon by all, that no person will remain the same person within the entirety of one’s life. The same can be said for the main characters of a tragedy created by a playwright known as William Shakespeare. These main characters are Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Just as us, Romeo and Juliet undergo similar, but more severe changes than do we. And just about everything about their life was rushed, especially since their mid-life crisis transpired around the age of sixteen. At the commencement of these occurrences, Romeo was like any other teenage guy in this area. He was not at a very mature point in his life. His mind had been swamped by concupiscent noetic conceptions of Rosaline. Rosaline was a girl who was in practice …show more content…
The struggles she underwent somewhat later in building the drama in the story is dealing with the troubling misconceptions of what Juliet wants related to love and marriage. She, ever since her father hosted a huge part, had felt lovesick after merely laying eyes on Romeo. With Romeo being a Montague, she felt a cascade of unwanted emotions that she had to process. Though she evinced her parents about this troubling subject, they still believed they knew what best for Juliet. And while County Paris did have money and riches to spare, Juliet continued to listen to her heart that pulsed with a faint sense of …show more content…
But, in the time of their livelihood, both characters have grown tremendously within the pages of Shakespeare’s book and have greatly changed each other in ways neither of them could imagine. And as Henry Ward Beecher said in his quote about young love, “Young love is a flame; very pretty, often hot and fierce but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” To me, this quote verbally expresses that adolescent love can work out as a general rule adolescent love is a very ephemeral intangible love and love between older and more mature hearts, puerile or old, can last a

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