The first reason why Simon would make a good leader is because of his sensitivity in the novel. The reader can see his sensitivity when, “Simon found for them [littluns] the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, …show more content…
The reader can see this when, “The beast was harmless and horrible; and the news must reach the others as soon as possible. [...] He started down the mountain and his legs gave beneath him” (162). The reader can see Simon’s selflessness in this quote because he is not well and just woke up after passing out. Simon is having a very difficult time keeping his balance or seeing clearly but he realizes what the “beast” really is, he sees the beast is nothing but a dead parachutist blowing in the wind. Simon is in shock after finding this out, he is still in tremendous pain and not well but realizes the mass effect it will have for the boys if they find out about there being no beast, it would stop all the fights and disagreements caused by the “beast” they think is real. Simon doesn’t worry about his well-being or health he is thinking about others and what’s best for them. He stumbles walking down to the boys trying to tell them about how this beast is just a dead man and they have been ridiculous and overreacting throughout the whole situation. The quote uses the wording “his legs gave beneath him” this just shows how hard of a time Simon was having with just walking but he was selfless and didn’t worry about his symptoms of what we find out to be an epileptic seizure, which when not taken care of can be very