Lesson Plan 1
This lesson plan could be used at the elementary level, grade 2, as part of a math unit focusing on simple addition.
I. Anticipatory set
The teacher will say, “Students have you ever wondered what a digit is?”
II. Learning Objectives:
Goal: Students will be able to provide answers to mathematic problems commensurate with grade level.
Short Term Objective: Given 4 scenarios involving simple addition, students will complete the accompanying problems with 95% accuracy for 1 math session.
Long Term Objective: Given 5 scenarios involving simple addition and number sentences, students will complete the accompanying problems with 95% accuracy for 5 consecutive math sessions.
Standards: Show-Me Standards and GLEs
GOAL 3: Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to recognize and solve problems.
Students will demonstrate within and integrate across all content areas the ability to reason inductively from a set of specific facts and deductively from general premises.
GLEs: N3B2: Students, in regard to numbers and operations, will compute fluently and make reasonable estimates to develop and demonstrate fluency by using strategies to develop fluency with basic number relationships of addition and subtraction for sums up to 20. N1C2: Students, in regard to numbers and operations, will understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers number systems; compose and decompose numbers by using a variety of strategies, such as using known facts, tens place value or landmark numbers to solve problems.
III. Instructional Input/Theory/Theorists
Teacher will demonstrate what a digit is using red and blue cubes. Teacher will give example of having 3 red cubes to represent the first number and adding 2 blue cubes to represent the second number. The teacher will explain that each number is a digit. The teacher will then explain how combining the red cubes and blues