Over the past year these rare Mathemafish are being threaten by the Fluted Dropout Shark. As months pass the population is starting to decrease more and more. We are finding that out through the catch-tag-release method (method that allows us to track the fish) that the past twelve months the population which started at 480 has dropped to 46.
Three specific intervals were chosen because these intervals showed the most of how population changes throughout time. The intervals of (1, 472) and (5,152) was the change between month one and five. Between these months the population started to decrease at a decreasing rate. Intervals (6,103) and (9, 32) displays the change starts to get slower between month
six and nine. And the final intervals (11, 29) and (12, 46) show the population start to rebuild or in other words increase between months eleven and twelve. The average rate of change of the Mathemafish population over the least three intervals are as follows: -80, 23.67, and 17. These rate of changes were calculated by using the slope formula which is
Between the months of two and three there was an increased drop that stood out from the others. The decrease had reached ninety-nine deaths of the Mathemafish (417-318). If we analyze the other data month 1 had only a decrease of eight fish, month 12 fifty-five fish were lost, 34 seventy-eight fish were killed, eighty eight more between 4 5, 56 forty-nine were lost from the population, 67 nineteen were killed, fifty-seven between month seven to eight, fifteen fish were deceased in month 89, and eight killed in 910. After month ten we notice the Mathemafish population starts to increase once again. So, this just shows that between months two thru three the Fluted Dropout Shark killed the most fish in the fasted amount of time.
Now, as the Environmental Protection Agency started to help reduce the deaths of the Mathemafish the population started to decrease at a slower rate between month 8 11 then gradually increase again in month 1012 with a population changed of 24 fish to 46. As we can see the overall EPA intervention is slowly starting to be a success because of the fish population beginning to escalate once again. Hopefully by month twenty we will have our waters fill with at least one-hundred Mathemafish.