If you are in the MBA Capstone course, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. These best practices are designed to help make the stretch of your educational journey as smooth as possible.
A mindset of excellence
Your MBA Capstone tasks should reflect your highest quality work; your current state of excellence. The standards are high for the capstone tasks. Doing just enough to get by or good enough will result in re-work and re-submissions. The best practice is to strive for excellence.
Read for understanding
Read the course of study, task instructions, and task rubrics. Seek clarification on any points that might be subject to multiple interpretations. Do not assume; know. The best practice is to be prepared by reading for understanding.
Capsim Simulation
The designation of MBA indicates the ability to lead and manage both vertically and horizontally across an organization. It is the ability to maximize organizational success by understanding the organization as a system of integrated and interdependent parts.
Successful completion of assessments in your MBA courses signals that you know the theories and competencies; the simulation is an opportunity to demonstrate and apply your skills. The best practices are listed below.
1. Read the Team Member Guide; understand your role and the roles of other team members.
2. Complete the Capsim pre-work.
3. Understand the simulation is challenging, time intensive, and dependent upon effective teamwork for success.
4. Ensure there is sufficient time in the team’s schedule to review results and take corrective action, if needed.
5. Use the simulation as a means to assess your MBA skills in a safe environment.
Task One
Task one is essentially an assessment of your emotional intelligence and your ability to work effectively with others to achieve results. In this task, you will reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, your team’s strengths and