You come home and he tells you.
“Emily,” he says. “I want you to know something. I want you to know that I’m going to die one day. I can’t love you forever.”
You don’t know which of you he doesn’t love anymore, maybe, probably, both. He stands in the kitchen with the windows open and a bruised sunset through the curtains. He pays no mind to the breaking flesh when he bites into one of the apples you bought. Sin. Discord in his mouth. A confession that …show more content…
Only a bruised and rotting apple that neither of you are hungry enough to eat. The flesh is no longer crisp or clean. The seeds would have been spat out anyways so they couldn’t grow inside you. (Lately it feels like a lot of things are growing inside you. The rotting is where you can’t see it.) It doesn’t taste right. Red and brown and gone soft. The year is browning, July had never become so bitter (No. You’d be biting at seeds hoping one will choke you). You miss yourself and you wonder if at least in another life you are coming home on a July afternoon and you’re in the light and you can bite through an apple with fresh flesh. Something new to sink your teeth into. When you offer to make breakfast, he says he wants apples.
“Emily,” he calls. “I’m sorry.”
He swears it’s not him. But he can’t help it. Won’t help it. It does not want to be helped. You are nowhere right now and when they ask what you see say the kitchen light above him. Your vision’s doubling. The light overhead becoming dimmer and dimmer and more amber and bruised. Sin immortalized and kept preciously. Suddenly, you’re becoming no more than amber light and decay. Maybe he’ll be happy