During Lee Kuan Yew's term as prime minister from 1959 to 1990, his administration curbed unemployment, raised the standard of living and implemented a large-scale public housing programme. The country's economic infrastructure was developed, racial tension was eliminated and an independent national defence system was created. Singapore evolved from a developing nation to first world status towards the end of the 20th century.[2]
In 1990, Goh Chok Tong succeeded Lee as Prime Minister. During his tenure, the country tackled the economic impacts of the 1997 Asian financial crisisand the 2003 SARS outbreak, as well as terrorist threats posed by the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) post–11 September and the Bali bombings. In 2004 Lee Hsien Loong, the eldest son of Lee Kuan Yew, became the third prime minister.[3]
a.) Relate Brunei's stand and views from the time Malaysia was planned to the time it was formed.
b.) Discuss objectively and in a matured manner the scenario in singapore after the country became a member of Malaysia up to the time it seperated from Malaysia.
~ 4.a) Features of Malaya Union ~
1. Mode of the 9 Malay states, Penang and Malacca.
2. The chief adminstrator was the Bristish Governor in K.L and assisted by the Executive and Logislative Councils.
3. The malay rulers only advised the Governor and their sovereignty as rulers of their own states were wiped off. Their authority was only in issue pertaining to Islam and as hend off the Malay Council of Advisors.
4. The state Council was retained for purposes of managing the local gavornment, but was still subjected to control by the central gavornment.
5. The Malayab Union did not involve Singapore as it remained as British Colonial territory under the rule of a British Gavornor General who was above the Malaya Union.
6. Citiznenship was based on the principle of Jus Soli.
7. Equal rights for all citizens regardless of race or origin. This includes entry into gavornment service and the right to vote.
~ 4.b) Reason the Malays opposed the Malaya Union ~
1. The easy granting of citizenshuip to the non-Malays.
2. Erosion of Malay rulers' power and sovereignty meant the loss of