One of the societal problems that exist in Singapore is the lack of support for single parents. Single parents are defined as those who do not live with a partner hence having to grapple between daily chores, career and personal development and raising a child. A traditional Asian family consists of both parents along with their children. Being a single parent does not align with our values and norms. The Government’s Family Pledge discriminates against single parenting and holds the traditional family unit in high respect. Single parents lack financial and psychological support from the Singaporean government and society.
It is ironical for our Government to encourage procreation and yet deny single mothers the benefits enjoyed by married couples simply because they are not part of a family nucleus comprising both husband and wife. On average there are 550 single parents each year and it is expected to rise in the near future due to more independent individuals stepping up, more divorces and more unplanned pregnancies amongst teenagers. Single parents face many difficulties and they tend to be alienated from society. 60% of single mothers