Single Payer could make or break the United States. Many love the idea of converting to that system while others are strongly against changing from the current, Insurance Mandate. Having a Single Payer System in the US could improve the economy and enhance the public’s unstable condition in regards to the fact that so many Americans are unhealthy and could fall victim to the numerous serious diseases caused by not going to the doctors for regular checkups. Since regular checkups cost so much, many Americans forgo visiting the doctor. With the one side leaning on how Single Payer will ruin the complex network that the US has right now while the other side that believes that the US will become so …show more content…
A Two-Tier system is “a healthcare system where everyone can access a basic publically-funded healthcare program but for those who can afford it, they can access a more robust level of health care with better care or faster access” (TMG). With a Two-Tier system, the government endows or watches over large or miniscule amounts of coverage for all residents. In divergent countries like Israel, the government will manufacture basic instructions which the a major part of the people must seek insurance with private insurers. Although many Americans believe that a Single Payer system in America is a good concept, strife emerges as the sole launch of socialized medicine frightens many. A multitude of people have claimed that the Single Payer system will bleed America dry of it’s money while others suggest it will encourage entrepreneurship. Despite the money stance, plenty of individuals have confidence that Single Payer is the best way to go if we want to save impecunious Americans whilst innumerable healthy and well-off Americans consider the major increase in taxes and the serious decrease in …show more content…
Thus health insurance in America should be Single Payer for every one deserves to be happy and healthy. Every single person in the United States of America is Human and therefore should be treated as such: they should be treated with respect and kindness and understanding. Every single person deserves to live a life of prosperity and contentment and I believe that Single Payer will bring all Americans one step closer to a life of bliss and peace of mind. Single Payer could save many American lives from the grief and tediousness of everyday