There’s no denying that today, in this modern and somewhat feminist era, there is an abundance of smart, successful and independent women. These women have taken control over their lives and have the power to do whatever they want in our society, something that wasn’t possible, not so many years ago.
Over a lifetime, unmarried women can pay as much as a million dollars more than their married counterparts for healthcare, taxes, and more.
“A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.” ― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass
“Single” is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize.” ― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass
“Not everyone has to ride off into the sunset with a man. Some of us just want a tan.”
About 41,500,000 of the adult women in the United States are married. But 21,327,000 others are women without men: women who have never married (11,822,000); widows (8,047,000) and divorcees (1,458,000).This means that a little more than one third of the 62,827,000 women in the United States are getting along without steady male companionship.
‘Better beggar woman and single than Queen and married’ – Queen Elizabeth I
Reason #2: You’re more likely to achieve great things.It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you have the time, the quiet and the lack of familial responsibilities. In fact, your premarital motivation to excel in life may be biologically programmed. According to a study conducted at the London School of Economics and Political Scientists, male scientists who stay single longer peak in their careers later in life and tend to be more productive than their married counterparts. Researchers theorize that men, in general, may show off their talents to win the interest of women and then, once they’ve won a wife, get comfortable and do less. In fact, studies have shown that testosterone levels, which boost action, decrease after a man gets married and has children. So single folk should know they are primed to achieve — whether that means turbo-charging their careers or honing their rock-climbing skills — and get out there and work it!
Reason #3: You do less housework.You know that saying about a tree falling in a forest and there’s no one there to hear it? Well, if you leave a sock on the floor but there’s no one else there to see it, does it really need to be picked up? If you’re a single woman, you can contemplate deep questions like this one because you have more free time. According to one study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, women do less housework when single than when married. Men, on the other hand, do more housework when unmarried (that’s probably because there’s someone picking up after them once they’re wed…). So the message here is for unmarried women to enjoy their less chore-filled life; fill those free hours with classes, good books, blabbing with friends—whatever makes you happy.
Reason #4: You can do what you want with your money—including keep it.Go ahead: Splurge on that pricey moisturizer or that obscenely large plasma TV you’ve been lusting after. You don’t have to justify your purchase to anyone but yourself. Once you mix money with marriage, though, things change—and fast. According to a survey by SmartMoney magazine, 40 percent of women and 36 percent of men have lied to their spouses about a purchase. “When you’re single, your finances are your own,” explains Phyllis Chase, a Los Angeles–based psychologist and co-host of the radio show Shrink Rap. “When you’re married, you have to deal with different styles of spending and saving, and you may take on your partner’s debt.” And a marriage that doesn’t make it for the long haul can also have a major negative effect on one’s wealth. According to researchers at Ohio State University’s Center for Human Resource Research, during a divorce, men and women generally lose three-fourths of their personal net worth. Double ouch.
Reason #5: You have better sex. Married couples may have more sex (approximately 98 times a year vs. singles’ 49), but singles have better sex. According to a recent study published in the British Medical Journal, married women are significantly more likely to report problems with their sex lives than single women. “People who are dating have better sex because it’s novel,” says Davis. “Married people have to relearn how to play. It’s natural for singles because that’s the nature of a courting relationship—they tease, they experiment, they explore.” Nature lends a helping hand, too. According to researchers at the University of Pisa in Italy, raging testosterone levels in both men and women makes the sex hotter during the first two years of a relationship. After that, other hormones take over—most notably, oxytocin, a bonding chemical, kicks in. While getting connected and comfortable is a positive step in a relationship, long-term lovers have to work harder to keep things hot in the bedroom. Singles, however, sizzle just the way they are.
Reason #6: You’re better rested and smarter.While snuggling up next to a warm body can be pretty fantastic, according to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, your bedmate can cause you to lose an average of 49 minutes of sleep per night. Sleeping two-to-a-bed just isn’t as restful as snoozing solo. Other studies confirm that singles generally get more rest — seven to eight hours of sleep a night — than marrieds, which enhances memory, mood and concentration, as well as allows your immune system to recharge. And, according to scientists at the University of Luebeck in Germany, creativity and problem-solving may directly correlate with getting enough sleep. In the study, participants were given a math puzzle; those who’d had eight hours of sleep or more before tackling it were three times more likely to get the right answer than those who slept less. So, singles, revel in the fact that you’re alert, rested and have that extra brain-power edge.
Reason #7: You’re less depressed.Although the media often perpetuates the image of single people being down in the dumps, overall unmarried people tend to be happier than their married counterparts—if you’re a woman, that is. One report by the World Health Organization indicated that married women, especially ones with children, have a higher risk for depression than single women, and researchers at the University of London found that single women generally have fewer mental-health issues. “Marriage, in many ways, seems to benefit men more than women,” says Davis. “For women, there’s more of a loss of self.” And, of course, today’s women often feel like they need to do it all—have a career, take care of the kids and perform other traditionally “female” responsibilities. “People who aren’t married are still investing in themselves,” says Davis. “It’s not selfish—it’s giving to yourself, and that’s something married people can learn from single people.”
Reason #8: You have better friendships.Significant others are a wonderful thing, no doubt, but friends count, too. And on that front, one study found that, when women get married and have children, they spend much less time with their friends—less than five hours a week, down from 14 hours. Singles, however, often have the greatest sense of friendship and community—which can actually decrease stress levels, according to researchers at UCLA.
Here's another way to look at this: “Singles don’t rely on just one person to meet their needs. You don’t automatically know who you’re going to spend Friday night with,” says Sasha Cagen, author of Quirkyalone: A Manifesto for Uncompromising Romantics. “The plus side is that you have a lot of different people in your life and potentially a greater sense of social possibilities.”
Reason #9: Your travel tales are enviable.Marrieds take the most vacations, dominating the market with 62 percent of all trips taken, but singles arguably go on more interesting trips. According to the Travel Industry Association of America, singles corner the adventure-travel market, engaging in activities like whitewater rafting, scuba diving and mountain biking. Being single and relatively footloose certainly allows you to expand your geographical — and personal — borders. “I have lived abroad, backpacked for close to a year, have been in love three times and much more,” says Courtney Davis, 27, a media-relations manager in Boston. “With every place and every person, my world has expanded.”
Reason #10: You know yourself—and what you want out of a relationship.You’re a better catch now than you were at 20. You may have signs of, ahem, experience etched on your face, but that’s OK because you’re more interesting and more self-aware. Not only have you grown as a person, but you’ve probably been through the wringer a few times in matters of love and now know what you want—and what you don’t. Experts say that bodes well for future marital success and may actually decrease the likelihood of divorce. “When people get married young, they often feel like the other person will complete them, and they have trouble moving past that Hollywood myth,” explains Chase. “But maturity brings so much, because if you’re able to communicate who you are and what you want, the better your chances of having a successful marriage.” And that’s a wonderful message: Your single self is great... and should you find the right person and decide to marry, you’re more likely to thrive in that stage of your life, too
No strings attached: A new band of empowered, independent women don't want to be defined by a relationship
The figures speak for themselves, with 73 per cent of women recently surveyed by the Woolwich Building Society having bought their first property on their own, compared to 48 per cent of men — a statistic which suggests today’s independent women don’t wait for Mr Right before making key decisions.
What’s more, according to the Office for National Statistics, fewer people than ever are choosing to get married. The number of 25 to 45-year-old women living alone has doubled over the past two decades, with twice as many single women buying properties as single men.
Women today are more capable and independent, says Harley Street chartered psychologist Susan Firth. ‘If there is a gap in their life, they don’t want to fill it with a relationship,’ she explains. ‘They fill it with other things, such as exciting hobbies or spending time with friends. They build an emotional support system and they know who to identify for different issues; the friend who is good with work dilemmas, the sister to turn to over emotional issues.
1. Joan of Arc - The original tomboy. Born a peasant in eastern France, Joan dressed as a solider and led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War.
2. Queen Elizabeth the First - Life was off to a rough start for Princess Elizabeth when her father (Henry VIII) had her mother (Anne Boleyn) beheaded. For years, there was much dispute over who Henry's rightful heir was. When Elizabeth was finally crowned queen at the age of twenty-five she went on to reign for forty-four years--an impressive tenure for any monarch.
3. Jane Austen - That's right, the original chick-lit author never got married. She received one proposal when she was twenty-seven. She accepted it at first then rejected it within twenty-four hours. She then wrote a letter to her niece saying, "Anything is to be preferred or endured rather than marrying without Affection." Austen's beloved novels are: Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion.
4. Louisa May Alcott - Author best known for her book Little Women. She once explained her spinsterhood in an interview, "... because I have fallen in love with so many pretty girls and never once the least bit with any man."
5. Susan B. Anthony - Next time you find yourself in the voting booth, ladies, take a moment of silence for Miss Susan. She spearheaded the suffrage movement. If not for this tenacious woman we would not be able to do the following: vote, wear pants, receive a higher education, and stay single if we so choose. The 19th Amendment (granting women the right to vote) is also called the Susan B. Anthony Amendment.
6. Florence Nightingale - Although best known as a nurse, Florence was also a writer and statistician. She never married, but this was not from lack of opportunity. She believed, however, that God had decided she was one whom he: "... had clearly marked out ... to be a single woman."
7. Clara Barton - Another notable nurse as well as a teacher and humanitarian. Clara founded the Red Cross. Need I say more?
8. Mary Cassatt - One of the few female Impressionist painters. Mary was born in Pittsburgh and spent much of her adult life in France. She decided early in life that marriage would not be compatible with her career. Her posthumous paintings have sold for as much as $2.9 million.
9. Coco Chanel - A legendary clothing designer who changed the face of fashion forever and who's empire still bears her name. Lady Chanel was the only fashion designer to appear on Time Magazine's "Most Influential People of the 20th Century."
10. Oprah Winfrey - Hello!
Your Time Is Your Own
Ever try to organize a girls’ night out with your married friends, especially those who have children? Between the Little League games, ballet classes and band practice, mothers also need to try to fit in time with their husbands.
Something as simple as meeting for drinks can be grounds for a Mission: Impossible style planning session.
If you are a single woman, you do not have those concerns. You can pick up and go anywhere you want, anytime you want.
You may occasionally feel that you have too much empty time on your hands, but you can fill that time any way that you want.
. Your Money Is Your Own
Closely related to time is money. Once you have a family, your spending decisions cease to be solely your own. When you are a single woman, however, your spending habits do not affect anyone else.
So go ahead and order the most expensive item on the menu. Take those dance classes. Whatever you want to spend money on, no matter how frivolous, you can! Your money is there to be enjoyed.
3. Get to Know Yourself
Many women define themselves by their family roles.
Being single, however, gives you the chance to discover who you truly are. What are your likes and dislikes? How do you live your life? What is your own moral code? What makes you tick? What are your goals, dreams and aspirations?
Living single gives you the freedom to discover yourself, which in turn will you help you decide what you want in a partner.
This is also a great time to learn to trust yourself. Many girls grow up with an internal voice of doubt and insecurity. As a single woman, you will need to handle things on your own; to take on responsibilities from having your car serviced to dealing with home repair emergencies
Through this process, you will learn how capable you truly are. You will never find yourself in a relationship that is based on a fear of being alone or the belief that you need a man around to take care of things.
4. Get to Know Your Friends
Many women claim that the friends they made while single remain their closest friends throughout life. Plan trips and special activities with your fellow single women. You have a unique opportunity to learn to rely and depend on each other, and develop a strong bond.
Too often, women compete rather than working together. Being a single woman gives you the chance to break down those barriers and develop a sisterhood with other women.
5. Get to Know Your Family
If you follow the “traditional” path of marrying soon after becoming an adult, your new family becomes primary in your life.
This can make it difficult to get to know your parents, siblings and other relatives as an adult, since you have new priorities. As a single woman, you have a unique opportunity to spend time with your relatives and get to know them in a new way. Invite your parents to dinner or see a play with your brother.
You may be surprised at how different and rewarding an adult relationship can be. Career Freedom
A single woman has the ability to dedicate herself to her career. If your work is important to you, this is your opportunity to develop your career. You can make choices that would be tough with a family to support, such as moving across the country or changing careers.
Put in long hours and work toward advancement or job hop until you find one that gives you personal satisfaction. Your career decisions affect only yourself.
7. Travel
If you are single, you can take full advantage of every day that you can spare. From weekend jaunts to summer resort vacations, this is the time in your life when you can best afford to get away. Traveling as a single woman presents both unique challenges and unique rewards.
If you are concerned about traveling alone, get together a group or sign up for singles’ trips. You can travel with other singles on European jaunts, cruises and even adventure trips.
Or go it on your own and stay in hostels rather than hotels. Hostels are extremely popular in Europe and are growing in popularity in the United States and around the world.
At a hostel, you will never be lonely, since there are always people around who are also looking for company and excitement.
8. Seeing Shows
On a practical level, being single has additional advantages. You can often snag the odd single seat for otherwise sold-out performances.
When the touring company of A Chorus Line came to my town, tickets sold out quickly. However, I was able to get a single ticket for half price on the day of the show.
My seat was in the third row, center. Had a dancer happened to lose a shoe, I would have been hit in the head! Take advantage of your single status to make things happen that would impossible for a twosome to do.
9. Decide What You Want in a Partner
Living as a single woman gives you the opportunity to figure out what you truly want in a life partner. Of course, creating a detailed checklist can practically guarantee that you never find a man who fits all of your criteria.
However, it is reasonable to decide on certain personality traits, interests or ways of living that are non-negotiable. Knowing what you truly want will help you avoid relationships that are doomed to fail, as well as help you find the man of your dreams.
Alternatively, you may decide that marriage is simply not right for you. Plenty of capable, normal women choose to remain single for a lifetime.
Knowing that this is your plan will help you to find relationships with men who share your philosophy.
10. Make Your Life Anything You Want It to Be
This is ultimately the biggest advantage to being a single woman. You have the unique opportunity to mold and shape your life and pursue your dreams.
There are no reasons to settle for second-best and no one else is depending on the choices that you make. Even if your ultimate goal is to marry and settle down, you might as well get your own life in place first.
So go for the brass ring and shoot for the stars. Create the life that you want for yourself and then, if you want one, find a partner who will fit into that life.
Being a single woman is a source of consternation for many women. Societal and family pressures to settle down can make even the most confident woman doubt herself.