1. For what purpose would Gawain poet place King Arthur in line with the founders of the ancient civilizations? The purpose is to show how well respected king Arthur was, how he was known as the greatest king in medieval times, to show how he was an important leader of medieval times and Britain.
3. While describing the knights and ladies of Arthur’s court, the Gawain poet alludes to some of the values of his audience? What adjectives, used to describe these scenes of “revelry”, correspond to these values? Some of the values are that a married women and married men can engaged in relationships with other people other value is that they value the life of the king and he is always to protected. Some of the adjectives used to describe “revelry” are Splendid and Marvelous
4. How does the poet describe King Arthur? Does he remind you of anyone you know or have known? The poet describes King Arthur as “Britain’s Greatest Leader, The Legendary King Arthur. The poet says in the text “And when this Britain was founded by this great hero, bold men loving strife bred therein, and may a time they wrought destruction. More strange things have happened in this land since these days than in any other that I know, but of all the British kings that built here, Arthur was ever the most courteous , as I have heard tell. “The poet is describing what an incredible king, Arthur is and what a remarkable leader is. King Arthur actually reminds me of Theseus from our last story “The Knights Tale “because they both are kind of similar. They are similar in the way that King Arthur is a legendary British Leader and Theseus was an iconic hero they both are highly powerful and everybody thinks of them as a great leader and both of them are Kings, Arthur of Britain and Theseus of Thebes.
5. What does Arthur challenge the Green Knight to? Why, do you think? Arthur first asked the Green