Elliott Chau Canadian Economics A) Sir John A. Macdonald (1867-1891) Goals: Attract immigrants Build a transcontinental railway Created jobs/encouraged foreign (British investment) Strategy: The national Policy Advertise in Europe -> Free land Provide support/$ to Railroad builders Set up high tariffs for imports which would encourage manufacturing in Canada Accomplishments Very little immigration Why? – competition from American-West Canadian Pacific Railway completed in 1885 A few industrial firms were developed…
Lester Pearson became the prime minister, he was convinced that Canada would face a crisis unless the French were made feel at home in Canada.…
Canada may have had a lot of great Prime Ministers considering they all offered something different and helped establish Canada, but Robert Borden was Canada’s best Prime Minister.…
A formula for nation building,remained an essential part of canadian government policy Including a system of protective Tariffs, Western Settlement and The CPR “Canada for Canada” -McDonald…
Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Currie was the most capable soldier that Canada has produced. Certainly, he did not look like the great soldier he had become. A very tall man, at six-foot-four, he was also somewhat overweight. Through his successes as the Commander of the Canadian Corps, he knew how to delegate authority and stand by the decisions of his subordinates.…
But Cartier would make his biggest mark when he teamed up with a prominent Upper Canadian politician named John A. MacDonald. Together, the two men would help form a country.…
Sir John A. Macdonald is revered as the father figure of Canada, and in his day united various conflicting factions such as the Maritimes and French Canadians - a powerful force in creating a unified Canada. The political quagmire of the 1860s provided no encouragement for Macdonald’s unification goals, as the interests of Canada East and Canada West were paralyzed by incessant political dispute. The French and English blocs in the legislature could not agree on any matter and adding to Macdonald’s discomfort, the prospect of the Maritimes joining grew increasingly bleak. However, Macdonald’s skill as a politician allowed for him to navigate this rough political terrain - forming a strong coalition between Le Parti Bleu under George-Étienne…
Canada is one of the most developed nations in the world that carries an effective history that spans over the last 150 years. Many leaders have led Canada and helped people overcome their struggles. Mackenzie King, the 10th prime minister, is known for his strong leadership skills and his intelligence. These traits can be proven through his actions during the second world war and his actions as Prime Minister. Joey Smallwood is known for being a father of confederation as he signed Newfoundland and Labrador to join Canada. Both, Mackenzie King and Joey Smallwood, were incredible leaders. Firstly, they both impacted a grand amount of people in different ways, the quantity of their actions. Secondly, they both impacted people in a profound way,…
Over the years, there have been many Great Canadians. Whether they have had numerous amazing accomplishments, or only one very grave one, they are defined as a huge role in the country. Many Great Canadians have changed Canada in a good way, or have done things for the citizens. Lester B. Pearson’s efforts and accomplishments as Prime Minister helped improve Canada. He helped create Canada’s reputation as peacekeepers. When he felt Canadians needed it, he brought Universal Health Care into Canada. Lester B. Pearson also decided to get American car dealerships in Canada.…
When Pierre Trudeau was in office he passed large amounts of bills and acts, which greatly impacted Canada to develop as a nation. Trudeau officially made the country bilingual by in 1969 by passing the Official Languages Act. He kept the french culture so that they would not have the need for separation. when the Constitution Act passed in 1982, Canada gained complete control over their constitution, and therefore it made Canada independent from the British government. “The act ended the need for British approval of amendments to Canada’s constitution”. With his Charter of Rights and Freedoms included in the Constitution, Canadians were guaranteed freedom and would not suffer from discrimination. Everyone accepted this because if offered…
Now that we have established that our supposed “greatest prime minster” was a horrendous racist I will go onto side negatives second argument which states that His failure to handle French and English relations makes him unfit to be ranked above all other prime ministers. In fact during John A. MacDonald’s time in power his inability to handle the relations left one of Macdonald’s political enemies dead, I am talking about Louis Riel. He was an activist that fought for the rights of the Metis people but Macdonald called for him to be hung because he could not compromise his values. This is especially shameful he’s compared to his successor Sir Wilfred Laurier who was able to expertly handle both the French and English. This was present when…
Line of Approach: Certain events led Canada to what it is today. Those events are; women receiving the right to vote, the market crash in 1929, immigration and the time of discrimination. These events will show how Canada became the way it is today.…
In contrast, there are also factors opposing Confederation, like economic would have on the Maritime Provinces. Many of the population of Canada West argued that “Confederation opens a wide field for industry, experience and and ambition.. most classes of the population will gain from the union and none that I can see, can possibly lose by the union,” (Doc 4.)as said by John MacDonald who was a politician of Canada West in a letter to Prince Edward Islands in an attempt to convince the Maritimes to…
years would belong to Canada.” I believe Wilfred was correct; the twentieth century did indeed belong to Canada. The Canadians and the Canadian/British allied forces had many victories, Canadian born people who grew up to change the world and many other events prove that Canada owned the twentieth century.…
and he passed many acts and laws in order to ensure that Canada is a safe and free country.…