Alternative goals and plans should be considered when formulating a plan, and this is the second step of the planning process. During this step, goals must be specified in order to create a plan. There are five basic ideas that should be considered when choosing a goal;
specifics, measurability, attainability, relevance, and time frame should all be part of the goal choosing process when creating a plan (Bateman & Snell, 2009).
The third step of the planning process is evaluation, and during this part of the planning process managers will consider the affects of alternative goals and plans. Managers will weigh out the advantages and disadvantages, and they will focus strongly on cost effectiveness and "expected return" (Bateman & Snell, 2009, p.23).
Goal and plan selection is the fourth step in the planning process, and it entails identifying "the priorities and trade-offs among the goals and plans" in order to select a plan that is the most "appropriate and feasible" (Bateman & Snell, 2009, p.24). During this step managers must use the information gathered in the previous step to determine what goal and plan they must choose.
Implementation is the fifth step in the planning process, and "managers and employees must understand the plan, have the resources to implement it, and be motivated to do so" (Bateman & Snell, 2009, p.25). This step is integral because an excellent plan is not going to work if it is not properly implemented. A plan that has been influenced by the input of employees is a great way to provide employees with motivation.
Monitoring and controlling is an important step to the planning process because it allows for review and change where needed. Planning is a continual process that allows for new plans and strategies to be formulated and implemented when situations change.
The six steps of the planning process are all very valuable and important to the success of any goal or plan, and understanding each step can influence if your goals are reached.