Executive Summary
This ensuing essay is a formal discussion on the need for leadership change based upon continuously evolving situations in modern day conglomerates .The introduction summarizes situational leadership followed by a critical analysis on the same. The latter presents various leadership styles which are respectively applied in specific types of situations and tasks. Recommendations are provided at the end along with the conclusion.
The present day conglomerate story is strewn with complexities which are hard to define or comprehend . At the center stage of such complexities is the concept of staff welfare. Being the most significant connection between the company and the customer , successful employee relation is the cornerstone that every corporate wants to excel at . The way in which staff relate to clients is of paramount importance as ‘customer delight’ is a direct resultant of the same . Hence modern day literature on leadership has devoted considerable focus on comprehension of different leadership approaches adopted in specific sorts of situations. Better or worse employee management skills is the key differentiating factor as far as profitability gaps are considered. In the following writings, we try to evaluate the various concepts which provide us a detailed evaluation of staff management issues and application of the latter in present day management policy.
Critical Analysis
We are confronted by a scenario in which a manager at a particular company is conducting a meeting with his one downs. The number of such people is 10.The staff are disgusted and flabbergasted at the heinous manner in which senior management has been treating them. The manager overheard certain staff comment that they felt like ‘cogs in a machine’. However in the other divisions of the company , the situation is not as grim and staff are given their due recognition and respect. Hence came
References: A Primer on Organizational Behavior; Bowditch, Buono, Stewart Seventh Edition, Pages 220-226, Leadership Styles;www.unpan1.un.org retrieved from unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/unssc/unpan024704.pdf, How To Change Leadership Style; www.ehow.com retrieved from www.ehow.com/how_7579100_change-HYPERLINK "http://www.ehow.com/how_7579100_change-leadership-style.html"leadership-style.html, Factors that influence choice of leadership style; www.ukessays.com retrieved from www.ukessays.com/essays/management/factors-that-influence-choice-of-leadership-style-management-style.php , Factors influencing leadership style; businesscasestudies.co.uk retrieved from businesscasestudies.co.uk/tesco/developing-appropriate-leadership-styles/factors-influencing-leadership-style.html#axzz2OyXVYv3j, Quotes about change www.goodreads.com retrieved from www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/change On Managing People ;Harvard Business Review Press Pages 12-13 Leadership the Challenge; Kouzes and Posner Pages Third Edition Essentials Of Organizational Behavior ;Robbins and Judge Ninth Edition