The top layer (Epidermis) is super thin on some parts like your “eyelid” and thicker on “the bottom parts like your feet.” The Epidermis responsibility is to 1. Make sure that the skin reproduces new skin cells, 2. Make sure it gives the skin the color and 3. Makes sure its protecting your body. Secondly, the Dermis creates sweat, sends signals to your brain to have the ability to know how something feels if it hurts, growing hair, it also produces oil that keeps your skin soft, and brings blood to your skin. Finally, the bottom later of the skin which is the subcutaneous fat, plays an important role in your body by connecting tissue that attaches the dermis to your muscles and bones also by controlling your body temperature and storing fat. Skin Cancer usually occurs when normal cells undertake a transformation and grows abnormally and multiply without any control or when someone simply doesn’t take care of their skin and is being exposed to sunlight or getting a “tan”. Skin cancer is a type of disease where malignant cells are found on the outer layer of the skin, also known as “the epidermis.” There are three types of skin cancers; Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, and …show more content…
Lentigo maligna melanoma generally develops when somebody is exposed to the sun a lot. It will usually grows slowly and leave irregular marks. According to (5) they stated the following: “The most common melanoma for Afro- Carribean race is the Acral lentiginous melanoma which is most likely to grow on someone’s palms, soles and under the nails.” Amelanotic melanoma doesn’t contain melanin which is why its hard to be diagnose. If you’re wondering how doctors diagnosed the type of cancer and what treatment they need for skin cancer they carefully look at the skin by using the ABCDE characteristics: Asymmetrical, Borders, Color, Diameter and Evolving. If the doctor were to notice any skin lesions, then they would have to use any of these characteristics to do any further