Figure – 1 Problem Statement Chart
1. Simulation
Before starting connecting parts and coding, we needed a simulation environment to observe the dynamics of the Quadcopter and the data flow from laser range finder unit. There are various tutorials and examples about this subject. Most of these works are implemented on ROS (Robot Operating System) environment using Gazebo or Rviz.
Simulation process involves several problems as follows:
An indoor environment and should be created.
A Quadcopter and sensing unit model implementation.
Data flow from simulation environment should be extracted and processed.
Visual observation of SLAM Simulation process is very important and the beginning process of our project to understand the behaviors of a Quadcopter and sensor unit and how to deal with them while realizing SLAM in indoor environments.
2. Hardware Selection and Assembly
In that part of project includes mean elements of our work. Basically, we design a system which is flying and carrying some sensors on it for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). We must put all elements on our frame and every piece has a weight and size. According to our researches, a Quadcopter requires motors, propellers, electronic speed controllers (ESC) for motors, battery and a flight control board. In order to implement SLAM with a Quadcopter, we also need a sensing unit and a single board computer to process sensor data and to communicate with local station. Figure – 2 shows the general Quadcopter structure that we are planning to construct.
Figure – 2 Quadcopter Structure
3. Flight Test
Before the Quadcopter could be tested in free flight, it had to be