But as for the 800,000 slaves sold down south, Eli Whitney’s creation brought great suffering. The invention of the cotton gin greatly decreased the amount of slaves being released because masters saw new ways to make slavery profitable. Just like in Africa centuries before, slave “coffles” trudged south from states such as Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and North Carolina. A slave ‘coffle’ is a line of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained and driven along together, that just goes to show how these slaves lived their lives in bondage with one another under the tyranny of their master with no free will over or control over where they wanted to go. Slaves in these times lived their lives as property, Thousands of slaves were loaded onto ships and transported to lower South ports, located in New Orleans. There, strange new prejudice masters would buy them at an auction and separate them from siblings and friends. Despite age slaves were worked hard in all weathers. It was never a time that it was too cold or too hot, it could never rain, hail, or snow, too hard for the slaves to work in the fields that just goes to show once again the cruelty and unfairness slaves faced in their lives under the control of their white
But as for the 800,000 slaves sold down south, Eli Whitney’s creation brought great suffering. The invention of the cotton gin greatly decreased the amount of slaves being released because masters saw new ways to make slavery profitable. Just like in Africa centuries before, slave “coffles” trudged south from states such as Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and North Carolina. A slave ‘coffle’ is a line of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained and driven along together, that just goes to show how these slaves lived their lives in bondage with one another under the tyranny of their master with no free will over or control over where they wanted to go. Slaves in these times lived their lives as property, Thousands of slaves were loaded onto ships and transported to lower South ports, located in New Orleans. There, strange new prejudice masters would buy them at an auction and separate them from siblings and friends. Despite age slaves were worked hard in all weathers. It was never a time that it was too cold or too hot, it could never rain, hail, or snow, too hard for the slaves to work in the fields that just goes to show once again the cruelty and unfairness slaves faced in their lives under the control of their white