Slavery in America became very prominent after the decline of white indentured servitude. Since indentured servants did not want to work in the hot tobacco fields and since there was no way to tell and indentured white servant from a free white man. They would run away and move to a different town. Thus, making them free. This left the plantation owners in a world of hurt. So, the plantation owners turned to slavery for cheap labor. Not only was it cheap but it was also easy to do and less of a hassle than having to deal with white indentured servants. Slavery eventually took over the labor system of white indentured servitude by creating cheap labor, the right to enforce punishment necessary and the slave codes.
Everybody wants cheap labor. Even places that you work for. This was the main idea behind slavery. The plantation owners wanted people to do the work for them but they didn’t want to have to pay them. There idea at the time was to enslave the people that they thought were beneath them. The people that were “beneath” them were the African Americans and the Indians. But, slavery still exists all over the world although it goes by a different name trafficking. According to the Centre for Research on Globalization, “[modern] slaves work in agriculture, homes, mines, restaurants, brothels, or wherever traffickers can employ them; they’re cheap, plentiful, disposable, and replaceable.” They cost around $90 today but back in 1850 a slave cost around $40,000. Compared to having to pay a person day in and day out it’s considerably cheaper.
` Needless to say, Slavery may have been cheap but it wasn’t right. The methods that they used for punishment were so cruel. But, since they were allowed to use any method necessary