and when the United Nations was created you had to abandon slavery in order to join. After slavery was abolished the institution was preserved by individuals who saw the value increase as the risks of getting caught did. Though slavery has existed for hundreds to thousands of years it is an evolving system with many branches. Forced labor was the main slavery back in colonial times as African Americans were, legally, forced to work for slaves and were put in a system called chattel slavery, but currently slavery is illegal and only practiced by individuals in it for its high pay even with the high risk. Sex trafficking took a different form and wasn’t exactly identified as sex trafficking, but Native women were sent back to Britain during colonial time and many forced to have intercource with men from both Britain and inside the Colonies. Finally early marriage was not popular, or not documented, back in colonial times and not exactly practiced, but now-a-days you can find people from the U.S., to the middle east, to Asia practicing early marriage which has loopholes to being legal. Anti-slavery International claims, that UNICEF estimates that in the world 11% of women were married before the age of …show more content…
Forced labor is one of the biggest forms of slavery, with FTS estimating 78% of people in slavery and in forced labor. Forced labor is one of the most violent forms of slavery and one of the most painful, with people forcing others to do work for, usually, no pay, or being forced to work in harsh, cruel environments for long hours against their will. Sex trafficking is also amongst the top of the slavery chain, and FTS also estimates that 22% of slavery victims are in sex slavery, this is also one of the worst forms (though no form is ok). Early marriage is a practice that has legal loopholes in the U.S. and is common more in areas such as the Middle East, but can be found around the world. Some families even give their children as to pay off debt forcing their kids into an early marriage as to dodge their