on except a shirt that would only reach up to their knees. But these situations were nothing compared to being punished physically (16). Mr. Douglass explains how every slave lived during the mid-1800s, and also shows that their “comfort” was never enjoyed. They suffered every day, physically and mentally.
After people found out what was really happing, abolitionist joined and used their voice to abolish slavery for good.
They realized what the people were doing to the slaves was inhumane and it needed to stop. And they did at the time, but sadly it is still currently happing now. According to the article Slavery Today, there are 21 to 36 million people enslaved today worldwide (“Slavery Today”). And there are many reasons to blame why. In the article it states that population, migration, government corruption and discrimination are all to blame (“Slavery Today”). People are so blind with their first world problems that they aren’t seeing the bigger picture and how their decisions are not only effecting them but everyone around them. 21st century slavery is the fault of society; it is the truth. But there are many solutions that can be done to stop slavery for
One big step that can be taken is to spread the word more, but not through social media but physically. Putting up flyers, raising awareness, and hosting presentations of how slavery is still being taken place. If the people of today are educated about current slavery, it might be enough to create a whole new movement. This movement will be as powerful as the abolitionist movement maybe even more. The goal of this new movement will be to have a loud voice that even the government will hear. And hopefully, “real” law enforcement will do something about it and save not only adults, but young girls and children as well. People do not think what possibly can be going on to the families that had their loved ones taken away, and even worst getting them to understand. Not only that, but knowing that children, girls and innocent adults are being taken from their homes, and forced into horrible labor. The things those horrible people are doing to them are scaring them physically and mentally, leaving them marked for life. It is not right; no one should be living through that. There was a reason why slavery in the 1850s was abolish, now it is up to the people of today to forever put an end in slavery.